We can start with the sewing frenzy since it ends on a happier note. I have taken up sewing because I really like the idea of making cool things instead of buying them. So my husband bought me a really good sewing machine at a really good price (gotta love the hubby's that research for the right one) and I had previously made our ring pillow for our wedding on my mini machine. Now with a bigger one, I made Rilee's Halloween Costume (Minnie Mouse) and for my first go at following a pattern and using a new machine I am very happy with the results. My next project is a pillow for her toy chest so she can use it as a bench as well. I told my husband that I think I'm addicted.
Rilee as Minnie Mouse (Hand Sewn by MOMMY) |
The following part my be too "gross" for some so heres some pics to look at while you decide if you want to read on or not...
Rilee and Mommy |
Pretty girl at the Park |
The next best thing to the patch,since shes been so sick and we couldn't go. | |
Now onto the dreaded
SICKNESS: My poor child has had some sort of stomach ailment for going on 2 weeks now. Both ends spewing out significantly more than shes taking in, and one doctor said food allergy, then her pediatrician said lactose, and upon feeding her one meal of "soy" products, she proceeded to projectile vomit, exorcist style ALL OVER the living room floor. The poor thing felt so bad for "coughing" on the floor. (She calls puking coughing.) And this morning when she woke up the other end "coughed" on her bed. Shes still in diapers... yet we had soaking wet clothes, sheets, legs, etc. and again later this afternoon. My 3 ft child was able to cover great areas with her waste products. I am worried that this WHATEVER "
this" is, isnt something I should be more concerned about. The worst part is last night right before she threw up, she started crying like she does when shes either REALLY hurt or REALLY scared, and upon picking her up, THAR SHE BLEW!
Maybe she should stop the soy and the dairy (shes been on soy milk 1.5 years) Maybe just toast and water until her belly isnt painful anymore. Anytime she hurts shes doubled over in pain crying...and its a constant "my belly hurts" from her. And she wont eat. UGH...my poor baby.